Repair of existing software and development of completely new environment.

PHP applicatie voor LabEvo (Milaan, Italie)
Repair and development of new environment
LabEvo is a laboratory based in Milan, Through our Italian CTO Mike we got in touch with LabEvo. They offer an online service for medical analyses that can be performed at home.
Crucial part of their work is sending test results to patients in PDF. They were already using software for this, but it left much to be desired and did not meet their high standards.
3Bird was the first to repair the existing software so that the business-critical processes could be carried out correctly and on time. In parallel, they started developing a completely new environment that is more flexible and better, as well as more suitable for scaling up.
3Bird meanwhile provides LabEvo with an IT department of 3 men: 1 project leader and 2 developers. The past months they have focused on fixing the existing software and this has worked out well: LabEvo is very happy that patients receive their medical information correctly and on time.
Both LabEvo and 3Bird confidently look forward to the next step: building a completely new environment for an even better patient experience.